09 August 2009

Have You Gifted Yourself Lately?

When was the last time you gave yourself a gift? Oh, I don't mean like buying a new pair of shoes or replacing the dishwasher -- those aren't gifts; they are necessities.

I mean, when did you most recently think of yourself as your own best friend, done something nice to lift your spirits, provide yourself some tangible or intangible encouragement, or indulge in a spontaneous, special little treat?

Can't remember?

Gifting yourself is important to mental health and success in life. It builds and sustains a foundation of knowing -- deep in your bones -- that you deserve, that you have done well, that you are good enough.

It's an act of self-acceptance and celebration. It's giving yourself a gold star and feeling good about your unsung efforts.

Now, it's true that some people seem to live in that mode all the time, and even go overboard in being so self-absorbed that all they think about is themselves. I'm not advocating falling into that myopic, ego-centered type of narcissistic personality disorder.

But too many of us engage in denial of self, and suffer with low self-esteem as a result. We schlep around a trunk-full of the faulty core belief that we aren't good enough, aren't deserving, aren't capable.

For those whose backs are breaking from that heavy burden, it's time to gift yourself. It's NOT selfish. It's mandatory to functioning at your most optimal, well balanced level.
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