11 August 2009

Holding Focus

As I write this morning, several construction workers are outside my building, tearing off my deck in order to replace it. It's noisy with power tools, and disruptive with other unidentifiable and unexpected sounds.

It occurs to me that there are always people, power, and disruption surrounding us when we are doing anything, and we have to develop effective tactics for holding focus. That is, for not letting the verbal, energetic, and emotional noise dilute our productivity.

Here's what I'd recommend:
  1. focus by doing zen* tasks -- those that are so routine they can be done well with an empty mind
  2. focus by using embodied skills -- those that are so second nature you can do them in your sleep
  3. focus by normalizing -- getting used to sounds until they become just more background noise
  4. focus by being singularly purposeful -- that is, be determined to accomplish your goal despite the obstacles
  5. focus by relocating -- removing yourself to an alternative workspace that provide a more productive environment
  6. focus by re-prioritizing -- shifting your timeline, renegotiating deadlines, and taking the day off
Hmmm, that's a pretty good prescription (if I do say so myself) for achieving your goals even without the assistance of noisy people, power tools and unexpected disruptions.

*No disrespect intended to those who practice Zen Buddhism

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