01 September 2009

How Do You Show Up?

It's often said in the coaching world that how you engage in anything is how you engage with everything.

The statement is talking about showing up alive in your life, being in alignment with your own values and integrity, and keeping your commitments to yourself as well as to others. I'm all for that.

Showing up is another way of saying: paying your dues, making the effort, doing what's necessary to get where you say you want to be. How do you show up for yourself, for your dreams, your goals?

Confidence is linked to showing up. Those of us who are shy may have difficulty showing up in social situations, and that robs us of the chance to build confidence in our social skills.

Showing up is about trying, failing, and coming back to try again. It's not about being perfect or compulsive, but simply making the best effort we can, over and over again, every chance we are willing to take.

Ask yourself what you really want and when you'd ideally like to have it. Then ask yourself how you show up to work for it.

If the effort you're putting in is equal to the goal, keep doing what you're doing while also looking for ways to do it better, smarter, easier, and faster.

If you aren't showing up for what you want, it's not likely you'll ever have it. It's up to you. How are you spending your daily efforts?

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